The Complete Guide to HACCP: How it Protects your Food Business
Jul 08, 2022
Food safety is a major concern for all food manufacturers. It is also one of the most important aspects of food manufacturing. One way to ensure that the food you are making for consumers is safe to eat is through the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (or HACCP) system. This system ensures that a company has an understanding of how hazards can occur in their facility and what steps they need to take to prevent them from happening again.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) provides guidelines on how food should be manufactured, handled, and stored for consumers. These regulations are important because they ensure that food manufacturers are following federal standards in order to protect public health.
1. What is HACCP?
HACCP is an acronym for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point and it’s a system to ensure the safety of food.
HACCP is a comprehensive food safety management system that has been used by the food industry for decades. It is also recognized as the effective approach to food safety.
The system was developed in 1961 by Professor Walter H. Adams and Dr. James L. Jeffries at the University of Georgia, U.S., in response to a lack of consensus on how to ensure food safety following World War II, and it is now recognized as the most effective approach to ensuring food quality and safety across all sectors of the global food industry, from large-scale processors to small-scale manufacturers
2. How does HACCP Work?
keywords: HACCP plan functionality, how HACCP plan process, food safety management system HACCP hazard protection
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a food safety management system which was developed by NASA. It focuses on reducing the risk of food-borne illnesses. HACCP is also known as HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System.
This system includes four major steps:
1) Conducting a hazard analysis to identify the potential hazards that could affect the quality or safety of the food
2) Establishing critical control points for each identified hazard
3) Implementing monitoring procedures and corrective actions to maintain control of each critical control point, and
4) Conducting verification activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the HACCP plan at controlling food hazards.
3. What You Need to Create an Effective HACCP Plan
A HACCP plan could mean the difference between a company's success and its failure. A HACCP plan has very strict guidelines that must be followed to maintain food safety. A HACCP plan is different for every company, but all of them will have three main components:
-Hazard Analysis: This is a description of the potential hazards associated with the processing of each type of food product in a given company, and the controls that can be implemented to prevent or minimize these hazards. The hazard analysis also includes potential biological, chemical, or physical contaminants that could enter the product at any stage in production and cause spoilage or contamination.
-Hazard Control Plan: This part of the HACCP plan outlines specific steps to eliminate or reduce identified hazards. These are steps such as sanitation
4. Common Food Safety Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them
To avoid any food safety mistakes, it is important to have a proper system set up, which includes:
- Educating employees on the importance of food safety
- Developing a thorough HACCP plan for the facility
- Developing a food safety management system to be used at all times in the facility
- Ensuring that storage and cooking temperatures are maintained
- Ensuring that equipment is clean and sanitized before use
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